India’s first-ever 5G smartphone was launched on 24th February this year which is Realme X50 Pro 5G and only a day after Vivo’s sub-brand IQOO launched its first smartphone iQOO 3 which is also a 5G enabled device. These smartphones are the first-ever 5G enabled smartphones in India and the price of those flagships is pretty much affordable. The smartphones get a starting price of Rs.36,990 (a base variant of iQOO 3).
Right now with two 5G smartphones in the Indian market, we can say Realme X50 Pro 5G is clearly the winner over the iQOO 3 and there is a very slight margin which decides which one is the best.
- Realme X50 Pro 5G
- 6/8/12 GB RAM
- 128/256 GB ROM
- 16.36 cm (6.44 inch) Full HD+ Display
- 64MP + 12MP + 8MP + 2MP Rear camera
- 32MP + 8MP Dual Front Camera
- 4200 mAh Battery
- 5G Dual Band
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Processor
- 65W Superdart Charge
The next stock of Realme X50 Pro 5G will be available soon and came in the sale on 24th February 6 pm onwards and the stock ended within a few minutes. This is a Flipkart and exclusive device so far and is available in two different colour options i.e. Moss Green and Rust Red. There are three different storage options available as well for this device i.e. 6GB | 128GB (Rs.37,999), 8GB | 128GB (Rs.39,999) and 12GB | 256GB (Rs.44,999).
2. iQOO 3
- 8/12 GB RAM
- 128/256 GB ROM
- 16.36 cm (6.44 inch) Full HD+ Display
- 48MP + 13MP + 13MP + 2MP Rear camera
- 16MP Front Camera
- 4440 mAh Li-ion Battery
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Processor
- 5G variant
The iQOO 3 will come in the sale from 4th March This is a Flipkart and exclusive device so far and is available in two different colour options i.e. Quantum Silver, Tornado Black, and Volcano Orange. There are three different storage options available as well for this device i.e. 8GB | 128GB (Rs.36,990), 8GB | 256GB (Rs.39,990) and 12GB | 256GB (Rs.44,990).
In Realme X50 Pro 5G, all the variants are 5G enabled but in iQOO 3 only the 12GB | 256GB variant is 5G enabled. So here it is clear that even for both the base variants Realme is getting a plus point for having 5G in the device. But for both the highest variants of both the brands we see that they are almost the same and balancing in different aspects.
These are the news reports from different agencies and from the brands as well. Tell us how much you liked this information in the comments section below. For the latest Tech & Sports Updates hit the bell icon and Subscribe to our website TechnoSports. For more information visit our website, TechnoSports. And download our app from the Google Play Store for more real-time updates. To download our TechnoSports app click here.
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