Netflix has dropped the trailer of the second season of the popular and most awaited series Indian Matchmaking 2. We are once again visiting the Mumbai-based matchmaker Sima Taparia who is just in search of a suitable life partner for her clients, there are some of whom she has been admitted, to be associated with her for a long time her to have not gotten anyone.
The most favorite Sima Aunty just coming with season 2 of the Netflix series, Indian Matchmaking. The new season of the trailer just dropped on Thursday along with a new beginning with Sima declaring, “I am back” In this second season we will see many offer faces and also new ones in the trailer of Indian Matchmaking 2 in which Sima provided help to her client to get their spouses.
As soon as the trailer was unveiled, the viewers just flooded into the wave of social media along with comments about the show and Sima Aunty. Many have already extended the new season and are also about to go to generate a meme-fest like the previous season that also getting released in 2020, while the others become unable to binge-watch on the Netflix show.
The trailer introduces Sima Aunty with a warm welcome. She is telling me matchmaking was easy in previous days but now, it’s become tough for her for some clients. As marriage is broken, she has to deal with many types of clients and maximum clients want all the things perfect in the opposite person. Some want a nice smile, some want 5’8” height, and loyal, some lady has awkward criteria as she wants enough hair for a man bun, one woman just goes to the extreme she wants a partner who is ovo-Lacto semi-vegetarian.
After finding a perfect match the couple starts spending time together, knowing each other, some are making, and for those who are failed for them, Sima advises if we adjust a little then things will be great and awesome.
In the end, she said herself a messenger of God who was sent to match the perfect couple.
Indian Matchmaking 2: Release Date
The new matchmaking series will hit on Netflix on 10th August 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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