Honor launched their latest wearable, the Honor Band 6 in India. The device was launched in China a few months ago and now Honor is bringing it to India at a price of 3,999 INR.
The Honor Band 6 is a fitness band that is on the larger side, with a 1.47″ color AMOLED display with a 2.5D curved glass protection. The display is one of its most prominent features. The Honor Band 6 offers the usual fitness tracking options as any other wearable. Along with them, it offers heart rate monitoring, SpO2 monitoring, and even sleep tracking.
Honor claims that Band 6 can last up to 3 days with just 10 minutes of charge! The device on a full charge will be able to last for up to 14 days on moderate usage. A heavier user would be able to utilize it for 10 days on a full charge.
The Honor Band 6 offers 10 workout nodes and supports Bluetooth 5.0, an accelerometer, gyroscope, optical heart rate sensor, and more.
The Honor Band 6 will be on sale from the 14th of July on Flipkart for 3,999 INR and will be available in 3 variants of Coral black, Coral pink and Sandstone gray.
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