Back in 2015, OnePlus introduced its current Android Skin OxygenOS as a replacement for the earlier Cyanogen OS. Let you know, the Cyanogen OS was in the market in 2014 inside OnePlus One. No doubt, the OxygenOS expressed itself as one of the best Android Skins, after all, a few are there providing close to Stock Android like visual mixed with new impressive features.
In the beginning, OnePlus held a naming contest to select the OS skin name, needless to say, OxygenOS won. Among the other 75,000 names (roughly) the company recently tweeted the other 10 shortlisted entries. Have a look –
- Opus
- Nomad OS
- CosmOS
- Muse
- Karma
- PonePlus ROM
- StartOS
- Carbon
- ElementsOS
- DaVinci
In the end, the company asked if it made “the perfect choice with OxygenOS” or not. For me, like others, no name from this list comes even closer to ‘OxygenOS’ name.
Besides all, OnePlus is ready to launch the OxygenOS 11 in the coming days and bringing an always-on display facility, a better dark mode, new animations, and more. If you are an OnePlus user, hope you are also excited to get OnePlus’ new Android skin version.
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