Hajime no Ippo Anime On Netflix
Netflix has made a groundbreaking addition to its anime library by introducing both sequel series of Hajime no Ippo – New Challenger and Rising – to its US platform on January 17, 2025. This milestone release marks the first time American viewers can legally access the complete boxing saga, including the previously unreleased New Challenger series, all on one streaming platform.
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Hajime no Ippo: A Long-Awaited Release
Netflix’s comprehensive Hajime no Ippo collection now includes the original 75-episode series (plus bonus episode), alongside both sequel series. The original series, which began streaming in June 2024, features both Japanese audio with English subtitles and an English dub option. The newly added sequels are available with Japanese audio and multiple subtitle options, continuing the story of Ippo Makunouchi’s journey from bullied student to professional boxer. This release represents a significant victory for anime fans who have long sought official access to the complete series.
Streaming Rights and Platform Dynamics
The addition of these sequels follows an interesting shift in streaming rights within the anime industry. While Crunchyroll previously held rights to Rising, the second sequel series, their inability to secure the complete franchise likely contributed to its eventual removal from their platform. Netflix’s acquisition of the entire series demonstrates their growing commitment to providing comprehensive anime collections to Western audiences. The platform’s approach to language options remains consistent with their handling of similar tier anime series, focusing on original Japanese audio with multiple subtitle options rather than new dub productions.
Legacy and Future Implications
George Morikawa’s boxing masterpiece, which began serialization in Weekly Shonen Magazine in 1989 and continues today with 142 volumes, has maintained its popularity for over three decades. The anime adaptation has played a crucial role in bringing this beloved story to global audiences. Netflix’s complete collection release not only preserves the series’ legacy but also introduces it to a new generation of viewers. The platform’s brief description captures the essence perfectly: “Rescued from bullies by professional boxer Mamoru Takamura, young Ippo Makunouchi takes up boxing to pursue what it means to be strong.”
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1. What viewing options are available for the Hajime no Ippo series on Netflix?
The original series offers both Japanese audio with English subtitles and an English dub, while the sequel series (New Challenger and Rising) are available with Japanese audio and multiple subtitle options.
2. How many episodes of Hajime no Ippo are now available on Netflix?
Netflix’s collection includes the complete original series (75 episodes plus one bonus episode) and both sequel series, New Challenger and Rising, making it the most comprehensive official release in the United States.