Netflix has once again seen its real rhythm with the beloved true-crime documentary ‘Gunthur’s Millions’, the show holds four parts with interesting notes. The story film follows the investigation of the world’s richest dog, Gunther IV. Gunther has made the headlines while the dog sold his mansion, owned by Madonna just for $29 million. The German shepherd is really very lucky he has an estate of more than 400 million dollars and plenty of humans trained for his every whim.
We will suggest that don’t take it as a childish matter as Gunther happens in the middle of a plethora of drama. We will say that the Gunthur pooch has mostly surrounded by models. He got his own private jet and yacht with multiple properties in Italy and is no walk in the dog park.
The four-part investigative documentary series beautifully portrays the relationships intertwined around the fortune, the dog, and the possessions.
Aurelien Leturgie an executive producer on Gunther’s Millions, said, “We’re beyond excited for this trailer to be out in the world, so everyone can enjoy the many twists and turns of the Gunther story! Making this documentary series has been a real roller coaster ride of revelations and deception, and we never could imagine where the story was going to take us.”
Gunther IV with $400 Million Fortune
A German Countess, Karlotta Leibenstein was totally alone as he had no child and close relatives. It seems she willed her entire $80 million fortune to her German Shepherd when she died in 1992. The lucky puppy was Gunther III, the grandfather of Gunther IV. Now, the dog that would start the royally rich line of Gunther pooches.
The trailer indicates about the more that may lie in behind the fortune, “Is the Countess real?” says one interviewee. Another interviewee, one of the ‘beautiful people’ paid to live in Gunther’s mansion and apparently follow ‘commandments,’ says, “It got a little bit twisted,” she continues, “we were being watched 24/7.” Creepy, right?
Gunthur’s Millions: Release Date
Netflix has confirmed that the documentary will hit on 1sy February 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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