Google is planning to launch a smart card just like Apple and Huawei. Apple’s smart card known as Apple Card was launched last March 2019, and the Huawei payment card was unveiled last week. Now according to a news from TechCrunch we came to know about a smart card which is being made by Google in order to rival these smart cards in the market.
Apple Card is a type of credit card which is being made in partnership with Mastercard and Goldman Sachs. Huawei payment card is also a type of credit card just like Apple. But, according to reports, the Google card is going to be a debit card partnered with Stanford Federal Credit Union and Citi.
Besides, Google Card may come with a Visa-powered chip, but the search giant may expand support for other payment processors like Mastercard later on.
The card will support payments in different retail stores, and will also support contactless transactions with the help of the physical card. There will also be a virtual version of Google Card which could be used for Bluetooth mobile payments, and you’ll get a virtual card number as well for online purchases.
This will be a virtual account for your physical card, you can manage your accounts, track your activity, add money, edit the privacy and even manage notifications from this system. Users can also make transactions via this and can even lock their accounts if the physical card gets stolen. Even if someone has your valid account details you can still lock and order another replacement card. There will also be an option to reset your card number if needed.
It is still unclear when and where the Google card will be launched and what will be the final modifications of the card. The company has not officially informed any sensitive details about this payment card till now but the company in a statement confirmed that it’s exploring ways to “partner with banks and credit unions in the US to offer smart checking accounts through Google Pay, helping their customers benefit from useful insights and budgeting tools, while keeping their money in an FDIC or NCUA-insured account”.
This gives the clue that they are working on the card and the process of making it live is going on. So it is just a matter of time we hear something officially from the company.