The Google Pixel Watch could launch as early as May 26th, according to a reliable tipster. The company’s first smartwatch has been making some noise online for a while now. However, Google has done a great job in ensuring that no renders of the watch leak.
This latest piece of information shows that the watch has reached the final stages of its development.
Jon Prosser claims that this is the very first time “they’ve seen a set date on the device behind the scenes.” Prosser also warns that Google is known for pushing the release dates back but if it does, he will have knowledge of it and will inform his followers about it.
The leaked launch date is in accordance with Google’s typical dates for its I/O developer conference and it appears that the introduction of the Pixel Watch will be taking place at the event.
Talking about the smartwatch itself, the Google Pixel Watch could be codenamed “rohan” and is likely to be pitted against the Apple Watch.
Artistic renders of the device reveal that it will have a round-shaped dial with extremely slim bezels and will come in a variety of colors.
A report from last month had revealed that the Google Pixel Watch is likely to be powered by a custom chip built by Samsung. Some of the watch faces that are featured on the watch face have been leaked and they appear to be minimal yet colorful.
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