The upcoming Google Pixel Watch 3 is set to launch next month, and as customary with Pixel products, details about its specifications are continuously emerging online. News about display, battery and color options of the smartphone has surfaced recently along with connectivity features. In addition, smartphone spotting website 91mobiles has recently found a listing of what is believed to be the Pixel Watch 3 on Singapore’s IMDA site under model number GG3HH, revealing connectivity information.
The Upcoming Google Pixel Watch 3
As per the IMDA listing, Pixel Watch 3 wireless connectivity technologies includes support for Ultra-wideband (UWB), Wi-Fi 6 (abgn, ac+ax) and Bluetooth – version unknown. This certification aligns with previous FCC sightings, further validating the speculation around UWB support in the Pixel Watch 3.
Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a type of radio-wave technology that brings short-range communications with very high data rates and lower power consumption. This allows for much more accurate and faster location tracking/navigational positioning, improved security from Bluetooth LE connections. In fact, the latest report indicates Google has made some progress with UWB support as it was found in an APK teardown of the Find My Device app. This would theoretically mean you could locate the Pixel Watch 3 with Google’s Find My Device system, making it easier to find in case of loss or theft.
Also, UWB technology introduces new capabilities like Digital Car Key which is already supported by carmakers like Hyundai, BMW, and Kia. With UWB on the Pixel Watch 3, users might be able to unlock compatible vehicles using their smartwatch, leveraging its secure and precise connectivity capabilities. Previous reports indicated that the Pixel Watch 3 may also include cellular connectivity, a larger 45mm dial option compared to its predecessor, thinner bezels, up to 2,000 nits of peak brightness, a larger battery capacity, and the Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 SoC powering its operations.
What is Ultra-wideband (UWB) and why is it important for the Pixel Watch 3?
Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a radio-wave technology known for its precise and secure short-range communication capabilities. It enables accurate location tracking and could potentially support features like Digital Car Key, enhancing user convenience and security.
Will the Pixel Watch 3 support cellular connectivity?
Previous reports suggest that the Pixel Watch 3 may feature cellular capability, allowing it to operate independently of a smartphone for tasks like calls and data connectivity.