With the launch of Pixel 4a LTE version the company has also revealed the 5G version of the same device. Even the company has also revealed that the Pixel 5 is also on the way. The Pixel 4a 5G and the Pixel 5 are on the way. Though the company has already revealed the price of the Pixel 4a 5G which seems to be decent.
Google has set the price of Pixel 4a 5G at $499, which is $150 more than the LTE or 4G version which is launched today.
The Pixel 4a 4G version has only one variant i.e. 6GB + 128GB, this will be available from August 20 in the US. The availability of this device in India is expected to be around next month or at the end of this month because, Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce store, has already put on the landing page of the product with no launch date and price mentioned on it.
To make it clear today’s launch was of Pixel 4a 4G version and the 5G version is just revealed with its pricing nothing else. So we still do not know what the exact specifications of the Pixel 4a 5G model will be, it might be similar to the 4G version or might have some changes.
But the Pixel 5 will be a totally different smartphone, and most probably that will be larger than the Pixel 4a 5G model. According to rumors the Pixel 5 will have dual rear cameras and will have some specification modification over the Pixel 4, that was launched last year.