After several rumors and delays, the first full trailer of Jahnvi Kapoor featuring film, ‘GoodLuck Jerry’ has been released. In this film, we will see Jahnvi in an action avatar that makes the film a promising con film along with a darkly comedic twist. The three-minute-long trailer reveals Jahnvi as Jaipreet “Jerry” Sethi who is an innocent girl who belongs to Bihar and is ready to cross any limits for her seriously ill mother that has been played by Mita Vashist.
Now, we will see Jahnvi has decently convincing as a young woman who passed her entire life in Bihar, and now for the first time, she will come to Punjab out of her living. We will also see Deepak Dobriyal and Sushant Singh who are ultimate baddies. In this film, we will see a gang of thugs after Jahnvi, and takes a quick turn to sidestep them.
GoodLuck Jerry: Plot
The new trailer began with Jahnvi reaching a drug-dealer gang for seeking work, after knowing her job she instantly provides a shocking response that the job is not for women. She has been seen working as a masseuse for taking care of her family. The situation becomes worse when her mother has diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. Without thinking twice, she starts to work as a fearless drug dealer to collect the money needed for the treatment of her mother, and she even also features some life-threatening situations while attempting crimes. Deepak Dobriyal appears to be an admirer of Jahnvi Kapoor.
GoodLuck Jerry: Cast
The film has been directed by Siddharth Sen, the producers of the film are Allirajah, Ananad L Rao, and Mahaveer Jain, along with Sahil Mehta, and Saurabh Sachdeva among others. The movie features, Deepak Dobriyal, Mita Vashist, Sushant Singh, and also Jahnvi Kapoor in the lead role. Recently, Jahnvi Kapoor is smiling Bawaal along with Varun Dhawan in Europe helmed by Dangal director Nitesh Tiwari. She will also see Mr. And Mrs. Mahi along with Rajkumar Rao.
The actress also set her big Bollywood debut with Dharma Productions’ Sairat remake, Dhadak. Jahnvi told that ” GoodLuck Jerry has been an exciting experience as it gave me the opportunity to explore a unique genre. Siddharth has been a catalyst in truly bringing out the Jerry in me! Working with Anand L Rai was an enriching and also rewarding experience. To be a part of this film—has been a dream come true. I am excited for it to be released on Disney+ Hotstar. As an actor, it gives my work reaches a larger diaspora.”
GoodLuck Jerry: Release Date
Jahnvi Kapoor’s this action film will release on 29th July 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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