Amitabh Bachchan and Rashmika Mandana are set to share the screen for the first time with the film, ‘Goodbye‘ The new film follows about such dysfunctional family drama that has given some hits about comedy. The trailer is three minutes long and has provided a sneak peek about the tale from where Neena Gupta will appear as the wife of Amitabh Bachchan had died. His promises sound very tragic, and the movie is dealing with that same way of comedy.
We have got some sort of similarity between Pagglait and Ramprasad Ki Tehrvi, the movie also introduces us to many characters who hold the dialogues that sound quite inappropriate if it has been presented independently but have made such complete sense while told into the text on their surroundings.
In the new trailer, the story depicts the Bhalla family children who are trying to come to terms with the death of their mother getting played by Neena Gupta. The onscreen husband of Neena Gupta wishes to cremate her in such a traditional manner along with his daughter arise questions about t the archaic practices as she has refused to embrace the logic just behind putting cotton in the nose of her mother, tying her toes and other things with the entire family, and the friends set to indulge.
She has seen no differences in her brothers. One says he has tucked in Dubai, ordering a feast of butter chicken, another just refused to shave his head for the final rituals. The father becomes disappointed due to the attitude of his kids.
Pavla Gulati has spoken,” It is directed by Vikas Behl and produced by Ekta Kapoor. It is a family entertainer and has lots of drama and comedy. The family is about ongoing via something. Amit Trivedi provided the music. I am dying for its trailer to be out. I am attempting comedy for its trailer to be out. I am attempting comedy for the first time. I was so nervous just before doing it, but after I once entered it, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.”
Now, the current friction between the father-daughter become played by Big B and Rashmika is looking like the central premise now. The film Goodbye has masked the Hindi debut of Rashmika Mandana. The last time we have seen the actress in the most appreciated Telugu film with Allu Arjun. Now, the film hot turned out to be a pan-India hit that has made Rashmika become a known face in the country. Rashmila is also set to come with the Hindi movies Mission Manju with Sidharth Malhotra, and Animal featuring Ranbir Kapoor.
Goodbye has been made under the production by Balaji Motion Pictures, Saraswati Pvt. Ltd, Viraj Sawant and Vikas Bahl. The film got written and also directed by Vikas Bahl. Bahl is very popular for his film Super 30, Queen, and Shaandaar.
Goodbye: Cast
In this film, we will set Anupam Kher, Parineeti Chopra, and Boman Irani.
Goodbye: Release Date
Amitabh Bachchan and Rashmika Mandana’s new film ‘Goodbye’ will hit the theatres on 11th November 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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