The Galaxy S24 family, set to launch early next year, is not expected to exclusively use Qualcomm’s chipsets. A reliable source has guaranteed the existence of the Exynos 2400 and its availability in major smartphone markets. This news may disappoint customers in these regions, especially considering the high praise received by the Galaxy S23 series featuring the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for its impressive performance and power efficiency.
The All New Exynos 2400
Customers in the U.S. need not worry about getting Exynos 2400 variants, as all Galaxy S24 versions in that region will feature the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. In contrast, Samsung’s in-house Exynos silicon will be used in the Galaxy S24 models sold in Europe and some parts of Asia, according to Ice Universe. However, no further details were provided, and given the history of Exynos chipsets, many consumers might not be excited about the arrival of those variants in their country.
Samsung might be including Exynos 2400 versions of the Galaxy S24 lineup due to profit-oriented reasons, as Snapdragon versions have historically outperformed Exynos in benchmarks and real-world results. An earlier rumor suggested that each Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 costs Qualcomm’s phone partners $160 each, implying that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 could be slightly pricier than its predecessor, potentially impacting the profit margins of Samsung’s Galaxy S24 models.
It is reasonable to assume that each Exynos 2400 produced by Samsung’s foundry will be cheaper to manufacture compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. However, TSMC’s superior process technology raises concerns about potential drawbacks for the Exynos 2400. The upcoming SoC is expected to boast a 10-core CPU configuration, with four times the compute units present in the Exynos 2200, suggesting significant performance improvements.
Although earlier benchmarks showed promising to compute scores similar to the Apple M2, the actual results could differ significantly. Despite this uncertainty, if producing competitive smartphone chipsets requires Samsung to include the Exynos 2400, it is a welcomed move.