Fossil introduced its Gen 5E smartwatch in the US back in October last year. Now, that one is available in India too. The company launched the Fossil Gen 5E via its own website along with Flipkart. There are mainly two variants available – for men and women; and each one several strap options to go with. So, you can style it as per your event and dress up.
Coming to the hardware strengths of the Fossil Gen 5E. It can produce visual outputs with a stunning 1.19-inch AMOLED display having 390×390 pixels resolution. There are several watch faces available to choose from and the always-on display for a better look. Unfortunately, there is no scratch resistance, instead, you get up to 30m water resistance.
A Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 3100 processor is taking care of the performance and 1GB of RAM along with 4GB internal storage contributing there equally. The smartwatch is running on Google’s WearOS. So, no need to worry about the interface and optimization.
You will get a variety of sensors that will take your experience to the next level and obviously, provide the best quality features, no matter it’s about connectivity or tracking. The huge list includes an accelerometer, gyroscope, off-body IR, PPG heart rate sensor, Bluetooth 4.2 LE, NFC, GPS, LTE, Wi-Fi, speaker, microphone, and more.
If you observe the list carefully, you may already get some of the features, apart from your health and fitness tracking, like taking or rejecting calls directly from your smartwatch screen and also answer from there, making transactions through NFC, and so on.
The battery inside allows you to play with all the features for up to 24 hours after turning on the Extended mode. As per the company, the battery can refill up to 80% in 50 minutes. The modern wireless charging technology is enabled for this wearable.
The Fossil Gen 5E is currently available for sale in India at Rs.18,495. To but it, you can check out the link given below.
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