ZEE 5 has dropped a new trailer for the suspense thriller film ‘Forensic’ just released on Thursday. In this film, Vikram Massey will appear in the role of forensic officer Johnny, and Radhika Apte playing the role of police officer Megha.
Forensic: Plot
The story of the film is based on the two officers. The trailer starts with Radhika Apte who seems to be in hurry and asked her colleague about the things that happened and then she gives the information about the murders of a young girl while the little girl is celebrating her birthday in Mussoorie. after getting the news, the forensic officer’s Johnny who has joined the investigation. It’s true that everything is just looking fine but there is something unusual about the character, that may be unlocked while the film will hit on ZEE 5 platform.
Vikrant Massey said in a statement, “Forensic experts are so underrated, and I am glad that for the first time in Bollywood, we have a movie with a forensic expert in the lead. Just like a good script is incomplete without a food director, I believe a criminal case is complete without a good forensic expert and I hope that we are able to do justice to this profession via the movie.” he invoked the film as an” exciting, edge-of-the-seat crime thriller with shocking twists and turns.
The lead lady cop, Radhika Apte who comes back on the screens after more than one year, is thrilled to be a part of Forensic. She said, “Even though Forensic is an adaptation of a south film, I can guarantee that the viewers are in for a surprising shock as this is not just another murder mystery. The plot is tight, the suspense is ‘Killer’, and the shock is inevitable.”
Forensic: Cast
The film features Vikram Massey as forensic officer Johnny and Radhika Apte as police officer Megha. The director of the film is Vishal Furia and produced by Mini Films and Soham Rockstar Entertainment6 Pvt. Ltd, Forensic also features Prachi Desai, Vindu Dara Singh, and Rohit Toy playing such important roles.
Forensic: Release Date
This suspense thriller cop film will hit on ZEE5 on 24th June 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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