India’s biggest e-commerce giant Flipkart has announced that its upcoming Big Dusshera Sale is coming up after the tremendous success of the Big Billion Days sale. As we know, this is a season of festive celebrations in India because Navaratri is still going on the auspicious Dusshera is coming soon.
So, a lot of people prefer to shop during these festive sales and this is why Flipkart has recently announced the Big Dusshera Sale from 5th October onwards till 8th October. It should retain some of the best offers we saw during BBD and provide another opportunity to customers to buy the product they have missed to buy duirng th BBD 2022.
Again you can get best deals across wide range of products with affordable payment solutions and this time HDFC Bank will be the banking partner of this sale. So, finally HDFC Bank customers can get 10% instant discount with HDFC Bank cards & EMI options.
Also, being powered by Noise and other associate partners being ASUS and Poco expect great deals on their respective products. In just a few days time Flipkart will again provide good discounts across a number of products and indeed Big Dusshera Sale 2022 is for those who haven’t yet fiinished off with their shopping.