The Indian e-commerce platform Flipkart yesterday announced its aim to fully switch to electronics vehicles from normal fleets by 2030. Taking this step, Flipkart is joining EV100, the Climate Group’s global electronic mobility initiative.
To fulfill the target Flipkart is planning to go forward phase by phase. As per the e-commerce platform, the entire process involves placing requirements in service contracts and setup charging facilities near 1,400 supply chains. Awareness programs and incentives delivery executives also will be conducted.
In a statement, the CEO of Flipkart Kalyan Krishnamurthy said, “Our commitment to the Climate Group’s EV100 initiative ties in with this larger vision of environmental sustainability and allows us to learn from the most forward-thinking global perspectives as part of the EV100 ecosystem. With our scale & scope and intense focus on Sustainability agenda, we believe we can play a significant role in not just fast tracking the adoption of electric vehicles but also making clean mobility mainstream,”
Though there are more than 80 companies, around the globe, are part of the EV100, Flipkart claims it’s the first company in India to join that. It has already created a network of partners who will help to design and manufacturing EVs optimized for e-commerce.
“Flipkart will play a significant role in fostering innovation in technology and exchanging knowledge on e-mobility within our global network of committed businesses. To help make swift emissions cuts and improve air quality for the long-term, we urge more Indian companies to follow suit, sending a powerful signal of support to policymakers wishing to see a faster roll-out of EVs,” – Divya Sharma, the Indian Executive Director of Climate Group.
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