Among all the e-commerce platforms, Amazon and Flipkart are the two biggest platforms in India. Though they never forget to introduce special sales over the year whenever there is an occasion, only one time they actually offer mind-boggling discounts and that too excluding bank offers. Flipkart called it Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale and Amazon promoted it as Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale.
Not only the consumers, but brands also eagerly await for these two sales. Neither Amazon nor Flipkart has announced the dates for this year. But observing the track records can feel that we are not too far from any of these biggest sales. Standing at the middle of August, we can expect both the sales may start from the 18th of September; around one or two weeks prior to Dussehra. This date is for all consumers; the Amazon Prima and Flipkart Plus customers will get access 24 hours earlier for sure.
Last year, both Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale and Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale started on 3rd October(all customers). Flipkart revised its date to give a head-to-head with Amazon India. The unbelievable offer that shocked most the Indians was iPhone 12 base model at 49,999 INR. You can rewind the same from HERE. Over 2 lakh units of the iPhone 12 series were sold during the sale.
As I already mentioned, we are not too far from mega sales, hope brands are already started working or even ready with their new products to launch and with unbelievable offers.
Amazon Deals: