Flipkart launched its unique Flipkart Apple Days Sale. Flipkart, the most well-known e-commerce site in India, is a hot commodity. The firm is offering some incredible discounts on cellphones during the event, which is focused on Apple iPhones.
A ridiculous discount is being offered on the iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 13, and iPhone 11. Additional card and exchange discounts are also available. Here is a closer look at them.
From now through November 20th, 2022, the country will be participating in the Flipkart Apple Days Sale. The following promotional time allows users to take advantage of the offer and purchase iPhones at a discounted price.
The iPhone 13, which was initially available for INR 69,999, is currently being offered for INR 64,999 with a flat discount of INR 5,000 in Flipkart Apple Days Sale. If you pay for the item using a Federal Bank card, you’ll receive an additional discount of INR 1,500. The item will be discounted by an additional 5% for Flipkart Axis Bank Card holders.
In Flipkart Apple Days Sale cost of INR 38,999, INR 43,999, and INR 53,999, respectively, for the 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB models of the iPhone 12 Mini. The item is also eligible for bank promotions and card discounts. The offer merits investigation.
The iPhone 12 Mini has all of the same features as the larger iPhone 12, including the 12-megapixel front-facing camera, 12-megapixel dual back cameras, Apple A14 Bionic processor, and iOS 14. A 5.4-inch OLED display is all that is present.
The third item on the list is the iPhone 11, the most well-liked iPhone from the prior Flipkart BBD auction. Priced at INR 40,999 for the 64GB iPhone 11 and INR 45,999 for the 128GB model. This offer is also advantageous if you need an iPhone but are on a restricted budget. Along with a 6.1-inch display and dual 12-megapixel + 12-megapixel rear cameras, the tablet includes a number of other capabilities.