The social media giant, Facebook how much precious our present is to us. After all, it defines what and how improved we are. No matter what happened in the past. If, accidentally we uploaded any memory to Facebook what we need not remember again or don’t want to be visible to others, for that kind of scenario the Zukerberg team introduced the “Manage Activity”.
The new feature will help you to filter your past social media activity either by a specific time range or liked with any specific person. You have two options.
You can archive the posts. In that case, all will be only visible to you, not others. Otherwise, you can move all to the trash if you no longer want to see those. The posts will stay in the trash for the next 30 days if you don’t remove them from there manually. The 30 days duration is given because Facebook doesn’t want you to feel guilty if you change your mind farther. You can easily recover your posts from the trash, in that case.
Other than archiving or trashing your post, you also can use this feature for filtering or shorting your post in bulk. The tool is provided by Facebook, use of it is totally in your hand.
This Manage Activity feature is currently available on the Facebook App and on the Facebook Lite app. The authority assured us they will add it later on the desktop version.
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