Apple introduced the new M1 Pro and M1 Max chips alongside the release of the 2021 MacBook Pro models. While the new Apple silicon is extremely powerful for students, enterprise users are eager to get their hands on the powerful machines. The most recent addition to the list comes from Jamf. If you’re not familiar, Jamf creates a variety of tools for managing iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Scroll down to learn more about the topic.
According to the company, it has assisted in the placement of over a million Macs, all of which are powered by Apple’s M1 series of chips. Furthermore, 74% of the company’s customers already own a Mac with Apple hardware.
Here are the major highlights to take away:
- SAP, an enterprise software company, has deployed 3,500 Macs powered by M1 via Jamf in the last year, increasing its total Mac fleet to 30,000. SAP developers saw “remarkable” results in terms of speed and app performance when testing Mac with M1, resulting in increased cost-efficiency. SAP has offered employee choice since 2008, and demand for Mac has rapidly increased since then. SAP has also used Jamf to deploy over 70,000 iPhones and 17,500 iPads.
- Electric, a Jamf partner and IT tech firm that manages a fleet of over 26,800 Apple devices for its small and medium-sized customers, has seen a 158 percent increase in Mac device deployment this year. They point out that the speed provided by Macs equipped with the M1 family of chips is appealing to the many businesses they serve, which are concerned with quickly and securely providing employees with the powerful devices and applications they require.
- This year, Bartlett City Schools, a school district with 8,500 students and 1,100 employees just outside of Memphis, Tennessee, deployed nearly 6,000 Macs powered by M1.
It goes on to show how Apple is catching up with business users. Other tech companies, in addition to Jamf, are pushing for the adoption of MacBook models with the M1 series of chips.
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