‘Dragon Age’ is an upcoming video game animated series that is coming on Netflix. It is found to be a little different as this time the series is co-operated with the RPG franchise Dragon Age. Netflix declared about the animated series during Geeked Week 22 and the series will be going to hit in December. The brand-new animated series will run with the name Dragon Age: Absolution name.
Netflix has currently released the trailer of Dragon Age: Absolution. The people who still not aware of Dragon Age for them we are like to know that Dragon Age is mainly a 2009 award-winning video game franchise that takes the players into the different universe of Thedas with exciting stories, unforgettable characters, and such lovely as well as deadly locales to get it. Now, the latest Dragon Age game, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is mainly a single-player game that provides such experience of incredible adventures.
Dragon Age: Absolution
Netflix’s new video game adaptation show has been created in cooperating with BioWare and that takes place in Tevinter. In this series, we will see many new characters that are also inspired by the series lore, including elves, mages, knights, Qunati, red Templars, demons, and many of such other special surprises. The series has made by the show-runner Mairghread Scott and it has been produced by Red Dog Culture House.
It’s very unfortunate that there is no such additional information based on the series that has been exposed other than the studio that is going to animate and the show-runner. It basically means the cast of the series has not yet been revealed or some kind of sort.
Regarding gaming, we have some exciting information that has been done in the gaming space. We have currently seen the reveals of the release window of Gungrave G.O.R.E., that mainly reveals a new super move in Cuphead: The Delicious Lasy Course, and we have already seen the gameplay got The Callisto Protocol.
A big thanks for the source.