The spicy trailer of Sivakarthikeyan ‘s upcoming love drama film ‘Don’ has been released. In this film, the actor shares the screen with Priyanka Mohan, who will be the main female lead. All the fans are excited and eagerly waiting for the film. The pair already get so much love from the audiences after sharing the trailer on 6th May 2022.
Don: Plot
This film has been directed by Cibi Chakravarthi, Sivakarthikeyan will appear in a new avatar as he has been forwarding the shoes of a student. The story of the film is set just against the background of college life, the actor will collaborate with his Doctor co-star Priyanka Mohan ad also their on-screen romance has got the fans forever. The popular star SJ Suryah has been seen in a pivotal role and the trailer provides fans a peek into his avatar. In this film, the chemistry of the two characters is just awesome and the actor has to pay off as a lover of Priyanka Mohan.
We will get some fantastic action scenes. The trailer reveals Sivakarthikeyan’s character and also his friends facing some trouble for the pranks they have done and also exposes the student life that takes us to our student’s days. There are many funny moments in it, but also contains some emotional and serious moments that provide fans with a balanced watch. You can get several dance numbers and upbeat tricks that excite the fans.
Don: Cast
The film features Sivakarthikeyan, Priyanka Mohan, SJ Suryah, Samuthirakani, and Soori.
Don: Release Date
The love drama film will hit theaters on 13th May 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.