According to a statement released on Sunday, the Delhi government has installed 1,000 charging stations for electric vehicles under the single window facility in less than a year.
18,000 such points will be established by the government during the following three years. For the installation of EV chargers in private and semi-public areas of Delhi, including residential areas like apartments and group housing societies, institutional structures like hospitals, and commercial areas like kirana stores, shops, and malls, a single window facility was put in place in November 2021. Through this service, any Delhi resident can call or submit an online request through the DISCOM website for the installation of a charger from a vendor in their home or business.
There are three electrical producers in Delhi: Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited, BSES Rajdhani Power Limited, and BSES Yamuna Power Limited (TPDDL). The first 30,000 slow charging points are eligible for a subsidy of Rs 6,000 per charging point under the Delhi EV programme. After deducting Rs 6,000, the user’s total cost will include the cost of an EV charger, installation, and three years of maintenance.
After subsidies, these EV chargers have a net cost as low as Rs 2,500. In less than a year, the government finished installing 1,000 Electric Vehicle (EV) charge spots underneath the building. Included in this are 682 charging stations installed by BRPL at 315 places, 150 charging stations placed by BYPL at 70 locations, and 168 charging stations installed by TPDDL at 50 locations.
Nearly 59% of these charges have been installed by Residents Welfare Associations (RWAs), 15% have been installed in office buildings, and 13% are in parking spaces for e-rickshaws.
The Delhi Government will subsidise these 1,000 charging stations with Rs 60 lakh.
The Delhi Government has appointed approximately 10 vendors through the DISCOMS as part of the single window approach to assist the public in selecting from a variety of EV chargers.
According to Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot, the government wants to improve the city’s EV charging infrastructure by establishing a network of both private and public charging stations that are three kilometres away from any location in Delhi.
“It is just the beginning as Delhi plans to install 18,000 charging points in the next three years making it easier for the citizens of Delhi to opt for an Electric vehicle instead of an ICE vehicle. By the end of 2024, Delhi is determined to have one out of every four new vehicles purchased to be an Electric vehicle,” he added.
In order to make Delhi the nation’s EV capital and hasten the adoption of EVs across all vehicle categories, particularly in the mass category of two-wheelers, public and shared transport vehicles, and freight carriers, the Delhi EV Policy was introduced in August 2020.
More than 72,000 electric vehicles have been sold under the Delhi EV policy 2020 to date, with more than 41,000 EVs sold this year, according to the statement.
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