There has been a major fire that has broken out at the electric vehicle parking station in New Delhi on Wednesday, the 8th of June. This has led to hundreds of vehicles being damaged, the majority of them being EVs. The fire that broke out at the Main Tikona Park near Jamia Nagar’s Metro Station on Wednesday has since been brought under control by the fire department.
An electric short-circuit is expected to have caused the fire in Delhi’s EV parking lot:
As per official reports shared by ANI, nearly 80 electric rickshaws have been destroyed, 10 cars have been burnt beyond repair, and only one two-wheeler was charred in this accident. The good news is that there have been no casualties reported apart from the vehicles.
The Director of Delhi Fire Service, Atul Garg has said that the fire broke out at 5 AM on Wednesday, as per the Delhi Fire Service, the reason for the fire has not been determined as of yet. Going by the looks of it is believed to have been caused by a short circuit. It took a total of 11 fire tenders to tackle the flames that engulfed the area before it could be brought under control.
The Delhi Fire Service said that out of the total 93 vehicles that were burnt, the majority of them were beyond repair. The total count so far includes 10 cars, 1 motorcycle, 2 scooters, 30 brand new e-rickshaws, and 50 old e-rickshaws.
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