Around five days earlier, Noise revealed most of the key specifications of its upcoming smartwatch, Noise ColorFit Ultra 2, through the Amazon India Quiz. They now officially confirms all the specifications that I shared with you, along with the launch date as a bonus. There will be three attractive colour combos. Noise scheduled the launch for 23rd December at 12 noon, obviously via Amazon India. You can set a launch reminder from the link given below.
Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 confirmed specs:
Have a look at the specs, the Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 is coming with –
- 1.78-inch squalre display, the biggest ever the brand has used so far
- AMOLED screen
- 368×326 pixels resolution
- 326ppi pixel density
- Always ON display
- Over 100 watch faces
- Stainless steel body
- 60+ sports modes
- Noise Health App support
- Calculator, Music Control, Stocks updates, World Clock, Flash light, and Reminders
Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 not confirmed:
Only the health tracking sensors are left to confirm, apart from the price, among all the specifications. As per the quiz, the Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 will have a Blood Oxygen level monitoring system, you can measure your stress, check the quality of sleep, and real-time heart rate monitoring.
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