Vijay Lokesh has collaborated with the film Code Red which has completed the shot in Kashmir. This is true that Lokesh Kanagraj and all the other members have headed up with Kamal Hassan in the leading role, and he has just collaborated with the great actor Vijay. This time the actor Trisha Krishan has featured in the film. She just has previously helmed work along with Vijay in the big Tamil hits “Ghilli”, “Kuruvi”, “Thirupaachi”, and “Aathi”.
Thalapathy67 unveiled, Actor Vijay in action, this time mission Code Red!
Kanagaraj has recently shared the title of the film. She has previously dropped the title of the film on Twitter “#LEO #BLOODYSWEET” We are going to see “Leo” may also going to play by the Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt come in Tamil cinema. We will also see the actors Arjun Saija, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand, Mysskin, and Gautham Vasudev Menon.
The Code Red movie has begun its shooting just earlier this month. It has been produced by S S Lalit Kumar and co-produced by Jagadish Palanisamy,
The exact plot of the film has not yet been cleared. After watching the teaser trailer we can say that this is going to be a ghost sequence with Code Red. We will get speculations like the film to become a part of Kanagraj’s Lokesh Cinematic Universe that contains Karthi-led “Kaithi”, and “Vikram”. Code Red is definitely going to be a fantastic hit ghost horror film.
Kamal Haasan has also signalled the green to play a cameo in ‘Thalapathy 67’ and he might be appearing at the film’s climax as the film is said to be part of Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Cinematic Universe. It’s going to be a dream come true moment for the mutual fans of Vijay and Kamal Haasan as they might appear together in a single frame on big screens. Vijay will be reportedly playing the character of a 50-year-old gangster, and he will be sporting a rugged look for the film.
Meanwhile, Lokesh Kanagaraj has shared hints about the dates for the official launch of ‘Thalapathy 67’ during his visit to a college in Coimbatore and said that February 1,2, and 3 are the dates to be watched out for. Several biggies are expected to be part of ‘Thalapathy 67’ and the film is reported to be made as a Pan-Indian action drama.
The ‘Thalapathy 67’ shooting is already in process and the team has completed filming some minor portions in Chennai and Kodaikanal. But the film’s official launch was delayed because the makers didn’t want the film to overtake Vijay’s Pongal release ‘Varisu’. However, it’s been two weeks since ‘Varisu’ release and it’s time for ‘Thalapathy 67’ to take off with a grand note.
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