Casio has introduced its first-ever smartwatch that has a color display and runs on Google’s Wear OS. The model is named GSW-H1000 and has rugged built.
There will be a 1.32-inches dual-layer color display having an always-on LCD panel inside. Titanium back is added for additional toughness. The smartwatch is shock, water, and dustproof. To explain, the watch can survive up to 200 meters depth in water.
I already mentioned that the G-Shock GSW-H1000 runs on Google’s Wear OS. Casio generally uses this OS in its Pro Trek lineup, but this time brings to the G-Shock. Needless to say, the OS will enable several additional features in the watch including access to the Google voice assistant.
The built-in GPS actively involves while tracking your daily activities and workouts. By the way, users will get access to 24 indoor workout modes and 15 activity trackers. Among the activities, there are biking, swimming, running, surfing, and so on. Monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, and more are also possible.
As per the company claim, the new smartwatch can run for over a month, if you use it as a standard watch. With the smart features enabled, the battery life comes down to around one and a half days.
Casio brings three color options – Black, Blue, and Red. Each one costs £599 which is around Rs.60,800. The exact arrival of the G-Shock GSW-H1000 is not confirmed yet, however, it’s currently listed on G-Shock’s UK website. You can expect the availability sometime in the coming May.