Boult Audio introduces its new truly wireless earphone today. It’s the Boult Audio Airbass Encore X which is coming at just Rs.1,799. There are two colour options – Black and White. The sale has already started today at 12 noon. As it’s an Amazon Special product, the product is available via Amazon Special only. So, you can access the below link to reach the buying space.
Boult Audio Airbass Encore X Features
- Environmental Noise Cancellation: Equipped with Quad Mics, experience a crystal clear calling experience, as ambient noises get filtered out.
- Long Battery Life: Playback time of upto 30 hours on a full charge. Type-C Fast Charging takes 1-1.5h for a full charge, with 1 week of standby time.
- Off-Axis Technology: Oval-shaped earbuds with nozzle angled at 60 degree tunnels the sound directly into the ear canal, which also provides noise isolation.
- Micro-woofers: Robust aerospace grade AL alloy encased over micro-woofers which provide crisp deep bass for bass heads, crystal clear highs and stable midst audio signature.
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