Netflix has dropped the trailer of Aishwarya Rajesh’s upcoming film Boomika. The filmmakers clearly declared that the film would only be streaming on the OTT platform like Netflix from 23rd August, so get ready for it. After sharing the trailer, Netflix India South has been written that Manidhanin peraasai. Iyarkayin kovam!” which means that Human being’s selfishness, nature’s anger.
The trailer of the film just has opened up with the explanations of the character about the communication of earth with humans. It has been said that it has made itself very clear as it has aid that he knows how to explain it to himself if one can save them from him. It is assuming that the film wants to say about ecological destruction. It was filmed in a picturesque landscape with gorgeous Aishwarya Rajesh. The role of the actress is still unknown. In this, a series of bizarre accidents and some frightening incidents are shown. It is also contained with some ominous music sets to provide the tone of the horror flick.
It depicts that strange things and horror incidents happen while Gayathri and Gautham will try to transform a dilapidated school into a resort. Now arises the question of their survival. This movie has been represented by Karthik Subbaraj’s Ston Bench Films and Pasion studios. It opened up the first look of the film on 9th October 2020 by the actor Jayam Ravi and Tamannaah Bhatia.
It is an ecological thriller that is assuming to be unique. This is written and directed by Rathindran Prasad. Boomika film features Vidhu, Pavel Navageethan, Madhuri, Surya Ganapathy, Ayaan Abhishek, Avantika Vandanapu. The technical team is contained with Roberto Zazzara as the Photography director, the music composer is Prithvi Chandrasekhar, and the editor is Anand Geraldin.
Here is the trailer: