India’s audio giant boAt Lifestyle, to celebrate our cricket festival, recently releases IPL special neckbands and other audio products. Just after that displays a new active noise canceling headphone – Nirvanaa 1007 ANC on the Amazon India page.
The new Nirvanaa 1007 ANC carries a massive 40mm audio driver to provide you the boAt signature audio. As the name suggests, the key feature of this headphone is the Active Noise Cancelling technology. While activated, the headphone can run for up to 20 hours long, otherwise, it goes for up to 30 hours. To ensure the fast charging, boAt added the Type-C port in it.
To be honest, the Nirvanaa 1007 ANC looks quite similar to Sony’s 1000X series headphones, and the features in it are also saying that. Users will be able to control tracks and manage calls by tapping and swiping on the earcups. Along with that, the amazing SmartWav technology is there that allows controlling the functionalities by hand gestures. The Smart Mute Feature is also extending the feature list.
In the case of connectivity, both wired and wireless options are available. For wireless connectivity, there is Bluetooth 5.0 support. In addition to the main unit, boAt will also provide a carry case.
This Nirvanaa 1007 ANC is listed on Amazon and the launch date along with the pricing and color variants are still unknown, most probably it will be launched on Amazon’s upcoming Great Indian Festival. The Blue-Grey color variant is confirmed as it is displayed in the banners.
Keep your eye on the page for more details, the link is given below.
>> Update on 14th October
The price of the boAt Nirvanaa 1007 will be Rs.9,999 and will launch on 16th October during the Amazon Great Indian Festival sale.
Do Check Out 👇🏼