boAt to add another Bluetooth Calling Smartwatch, boAt Wave Electra to its portfolio in the next couple of days. It’s scheduled for launch on 24th December at 12 noon via Amazon India. This new wearable is already listed on the e-commerce platform and will be available at a launch price of Rs.1,799. As per the listing, the boAt Wave Electra is coming in four attractive colour options. Get ready for the launch, page link is given below.
boAt Wave Electra Features
As I already mentioned, the boAt Wave Electra is Bluetooth Calling enabled. As usual, microphone and speaker are already part of the smartwatch unit. On top of it, the watch allows you to save up to 50 contacts, use the built-in dialer, access recent call logs, and options to receive/cut calls directly from your wrist.
With the 1.81-inch 2.5D curved display you are getting enough space to play with all the options and features available. boAt claims the display can go up to 550 nits of brightness. Coming to the watch faces, 20 options are available offline, and over 100 more via the cloud. The premium aluminium alloy design combined with the display and watch faces make the watch look attractive is most of your occasions.
To back you during your workouts, the boAt Wave Electra has 100+ sports modes, and sensors to track your health condition, such as heart rate and SpO2. This new watch is IP68 dust, splash, and dust resistant. So, you need to worry about it during your heavy gym time.
The battery sitting inside boAt Wave Electra can supply enough power for 7 days long when Bluetooth calling is disabled. Once enabled, the watch can run for up to 2 days long.
The boAt Wave Electra is coming for sale on 24th December via Amazon India at a launch price of Rs.1,799. You can place the order on the mentioned date from 12 noon.
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