boAt, the leading audio and smartwatch brand from India, today introduced the Pro version of its Rockerz 205, boAT Rockerz 205 Pro. It was listed on Amazon for over a couple of weeks and at present, it is available for sale at just Rs.999 only. There are three colour options available – Buoyant Blue, Fiery Red, and Rising Orange. Grab your favourite one from the link given below.
Rockerz 205 Pro Features…
The boAt Rockerz 205 Pro have the same 10mm audio driver to maintain the exact and known signature sound output. For connectivity, there is Bluetooth 5.2 instead of 5.0, and boAt also added the BEAST Mode and ENx Technology. These will help the product to serve up to 65ms low latency and better entertainment every time. Along with that, you can take advantage of the dual pairing as well.
boAt improved the charging and battery life too. The Rockerz 205 Pro can run 10 more hours than the 205 v2 and provide up to two more hours against 10 minutes of quick charge. That means, with the Rockerz 205 Pro, you will get up to 30 hours of playtime and up to 12 hours of juice for 10 minutes of charging.
Features that are still left to discuss are IPX5 water and sweat resistance, magnetic earbuds, and voice assistant support.
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