After boAt Watch Xtend in July, the brand launches another wearable to the Indian market. It is boAt Watch Delta, launched today, 19th July, via Flipkart and boAt’s official website. There are three colour options – Active Black, Twilight Grey, and Vivid Red. You need to spend only Rs.2,499 to get a unit. The sale is live now. You can check out the link given below to get yours.
boAt claims to provide a 1.3″ touch-screen round LCD with this new boAt Watch Delta. The display output will show a dynamic 3D user interface every time. To decorate the look more, you can pic any watch face from the dump of 300+ options.
Regarding the sensors for health tracking, there are 24/7 heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen level monitoring, and sleep monitoring systems. On top of that, 8 individual sports modes are open for selection. The list includes walking, running, cycling, skipping, badminton, basketball, football, and swimming. As there is the dedicated swimming mode, to protect the watch in the pool, it is coming with IP68 certification.
Additionally, the Watch Delta will provide guided meditation breathing support, weather forecast for the next two days, notification access, music and camera control, and more. All you can enjoy for up to 7 days long in just one power top-up.
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