boAt, the audio and smartwatch leader in India, launches a new truly wireless earphone Airdopes 175. After teasing it over the past few days, boAt has finally launched it and scheduled the first sale on 27th May at 12 noon. The sale will be live on the Amazon India page and need to spend Rs.1,699 to place the order. There are four colour options – Black, White, Blue, and Red. For now, you can set the first sale reminder from the link given below.
boAt Airdopes 175 Features
Starting with the audio output, boAt has assigned a 10mm audio driver inside each bud for a loud and clear output all the time. For entertainment, the audio output is important, however, during the calls, it’s not the only thing you required. In that case microphone steps into the picture. So, they added a quad microphone setup with ENx Technology to this Airdopes 175.
Now, along with these, smooth connectivity and good battery life are also required. The connectivity part is taken care of by Bluetooth 5.2 and to strengthen the process, IWP Technology is also enabled. So, consumers will get both fast pairing and a strong connection combo in the same package.
The batteries inside the buds and the case together can deliver juice for up to 35 hours long as per the company claims. In this figure, 8 hours for the buds and 27 hours for the case. If you are thinking it will take too long time to refill the full battery, the ASAP Charge Technology is there to back it. It allows the buds to gain up to 75 minutes of playtime in just 5 minutes of charging. Lastly, a Type-C port is there just below the case.
Other than all the mentioned features, the Airdopes 175 is touch-enabled and comes with IPX4 sweat resistance and one-touch voice assistant support.
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