The successor of boAt Airdopes 281 which is Airdopes 281 Pro pops up on Amazon a week ago and today, it’s live for pre-order. The launch price is Rs.1,999 only. But if you pre-book it now, will get flat Rs.200 exclusive cashback. Those manes, you can get a brand new feature-loaded TWS at just only Rs.1,799. So, what could be the best earphone prior the World Music Day? boAt is offering four colour options – Black, Blue, Green, and Orange. You can get any of these from Amazon India. The check out links are given below.
Buy Link:
- Amazon India –
[ Update: 12:05 AM IST ]
The pre-order was scheduled for 20th June which is today, the option is not enabled yet. I will update once the pre-order option comes live.
[ Update: 10:00 AM IST ]
The pre-order option is live now. The product will start shipping from 26th June.
Features :-
On the Amazon listing, boAt reveals some of its specs as usual. Among those, I already mentioned the eye-catching one. The ENxTM Technology, which will be there so that you need not to compromise during calls. On top of that, there will be a total of four mics to cancel out the noise around you.
To enjoy the service of the Airdopes 281 Pro, it needs to be with you for a long time. Don’t worry, the package can run for up to 32 hours long. As per the company claim, the buds can deliver for up to 6.5 hours long and the charging case can provide backup for up to 25 hours additionally. For a very busy day, boAt added ASAP charge technology. Against just 5 minutes of charge, you can get up to 60 minutes of top-up.
Lastly, the boAt Airdopes 281 Pro is coming with touch control functionality, boAt signature sound, instant reset option, and more.
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