Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) could get its fourth major update as soon as 2022 with the 2.1 release. The next update is expected to be released between July 13 and July.
Thanks to some content providers working with the game’s designer, Krafton, who leaked them, what might be a portion of the 2.1 patch improvements have been seen in parts and pieces. In some ways, these leaks provide a preview of what may be included in the future update that could motivate users to use their mobile devices more regularly.
Several YouTubers that work with Krafton regularly upload videos to their channels revealing new features and upgrades of BGMI. The July update will reportedly include a variety of new features that will surpass players’ expectations and enable them to enjoy the game more.
Here’s a look at the features expected to be added in the upcoming 2.1 updates:
New firearms – Lynx AMR and AC VAL
Revamped control buttons and UI
New mini-map changes
Tactical Backpack
New Gaming Center and Shopping Center in Cheer Park
Major bug fix
Shotgun attachment – Quick Loader
Throwable – Blue Zone grenade
Month 13 Royale Pass
First Anniversary event
Cycle 3 Season 7
Secret Cave in Livik
New health utilities
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