The highly anticipated film featuring Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor, Bawaal OTT release date is in July 2023 across 200 countries. Initially scheduled for theatrical release on October 6, the film has garnered significant anticipation from fans of these actors. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, known for his work on the acclaimed movie “Chhichhore,” which starred Sushant Singh Rajput, “Bawaal” brings together a talented cast and crew. Bawaal will hit soon on OTT.
Varun Dhawan recently took to his social media accounts to share his excitement about collaborating with Sajid Nadiadwala and Nitesh Tiwari, alongside Janhvi Kapoor. The film’s striking red poster proudly announces the collaboration of national filmmakers Nitesh Tiwari and Sajid Nadiadwala, presenting “Bawaal,” starring Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor. This article will provide details about the Bawaal OTT Release Date, Cast, and more.
The Star Cast of Bawaal
In the movie “Bawaal,” Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor take on the main roles. Varun Dhawan portrays a character in the film, while Janhvi Kapoor also has a significant role. Parth Siddhpura plays the character of Bobby Khan, adding to the talented cast. The movie also features other notable actors such as Shashie Vermaa as the Principal, Arnob Khan Akib as the Boyfriend, Gunjan Joshi as Pandey, Satendra Soni as Balli, Philipp Droste portraying the Busker, and Aariz Saiyed playing Jignesh.
The Storyline of Bawaal
The plot of the movie “Bawaal” revolves around a man residing in a small town who develops feelings for the town’s most beautiful woman. He believes that marrying her will enhance his societal standing. The film portrays his journey of discovering love and navigating the obstacles that come with pursuing a relationship with the town’s most alluring lady. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, this Bollywood drama stars Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor in the lead roles.
Bawaal Trailer
The trailer for the movie “Bawaal” releases today i.e. on 9th July 2023.
Movie Name | Bawaal |
Cast | Varun Dhawan, Janhvi Kapoor, Parth Siddhpura, Shashie Vermaa, Arnob Khan Akib, Gunjan Joshi, Satendra Soni, and Philipp Droste |
Director | Nitesh Tiwari |
Genre | Action, Drama, Romance |
Release Date | July 2023 |
Platform | Amazon Prime Video |
Budget | ₹50 Crores(approx) |
Bawaal OTT Release Date
“Bawaal” has secured a licensing agreement with Prime Video, an online streaming platform. While no specific date has been set for the release on the OTT platform, the anticipated Bawaal OTT Release Date will fall in July 2023. It’s important to note that the movie will exclusively be released on the OTT app and will not have a theatrical release. The producer of “Bawaal” has sold the digital rights to Prime Video, enabling them to distribute the movie through their platform.
Here’s the teaser of the film: