Hardik Gajjar’s new directorial ‘Atithi Bhooto Bhava’ is really a unique one. The story revolves around love and rebirth. In this ZEE 5 original film, we will see Scam 1992 actor Pratik Gandhi. Pratik will play a stand-up comedian who has met the ghost of his grandson from his last birth. The new trailer of the film really takes the audience to the lives of Pratik’s Srikant and his girlfriend Netra played by Sharmin Segal. The actor Jackie Shroff is playing the role of a ghost who does not want to leave his surroundings due to some unfinished business.
The new trailer just stays with a love story in 1975. This was the tie while Srikanta and Netra were on the pick point of break up. The twist comes after an interesting turn while Pratik’s character meets Makan Singh aka Jackie Shroff’s character that claims Pratik was his grandfather in his last birth. After that, the ghost seeks help to find his lost love, and the duo starts an adventurous journey.
The filming started in January 2021 in Mathura. In this film Pratik who rose to popularity by holding the hand of the Sony LIV series Scam, 1992 was seen for the last time in Modern Love: Mumbai where he appeared along with Tanuja and Ranveer Singh in Bansal Meta short.
In Hansal Mehta’s next web series, he will play the role of Mahatma Gandhi. Mehta said in a statement, “When you speak of a historic and iconic figure like Mahatma Gandhi, there is already a great deal of responsibility on you as a filmmaker. Our vision with the series is to make its true-to-life as possible and supported by Ramachandra and enthusiastic that we will bring audiences something to remember,”
Atithi Bhooto Bhava: Release Date
Pratik Gandhi and Jackie Shroff’s new film will hit on 23rd September 2022.
Gere is the trailer:
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