Apple company is known for its innovative products moat of which are only made known to the public after they are initially launched. We have seen just how rare and amazing the Apple products are, just take a look at Apple’s M1 chips. But new images and video of its new Apple Watch’s prototype has been released on the Internet.
According to sources, Apple’s new Watch will run the company’s suite of internal development apps, and the operating system of the new watch is pre-watchOS1.0. Upon watching the video, it is confirmed that the company has delivered its new product to the testers and the prototype has been submitted to allow the testers to deliver their feedback to the company.
“This product is classified as Apple Confidential and is designated an ‘Ultra’ security program. This prototype MUST be returned when recalled or when you.”
There is a sticker at the back of the device which states that the prototype device shows it’s a “PVTe” configuration, which presumably means Production Validation Testing (engineering).
Apple is known for being the most secretive when it comes to its innovations as the company always holds its products dear. In terms of being protective the company has its strict policy as such it doesn’t care to go against the government itself to protect the authenticity of its products.
Now let’s talk about what we know about Apple’s new Watch prototype. When the touchscreen device is turned on, it shows Apple’s internal apps. Among the various apps available, one is the “Lisa tester,” identified with an icon of Lisa Simpson. But it is most likely a tribute to Jobs’ daughter and namesake of Apple’s Lisa computer. For those who don’t know, Lisa is one of the first computers in the world to feature a GUI interface.
The Lisa app allows the testers to tweak the UI elements of the prototype Watch. One more app found on the prototype is the “Springboard zoom” app found inside the Lisa tester is very similar to the original watchOS home screen that was sported in the first Apple Watch in 2015.