Apple will be launching the next generation of its flagship devices very soon, the iPhone 14 Series. The base variant of the smartphone will be priced at $799 or Rs.63,418. As per a post that surfaced on a South Korean blog hint that the Cupertino giant will not be increasing the price of the entry-level model in the 14 Series.
Apple wants to boost its total sales for the iPhone 14:
As per the tipster, the company wants to increase sales, and considering the global smartphone market has been through a rather tumultuous era following which all companies are looking to learn to cope with the new normal, Apple is one of those companies.
This information surfaces from a reputed financial institution based out of the USA. The upcoming lineup will arrive with a 6.1″ display similar to its predecessor, the iPhone 13. The upcoming lineup on the other hand will be launching soon and the decision with respect to its pricing was made by the senior management of the company.
The smartphone maker has been riddled with increased production costs and supply chain constraints, though there is no way of verifying all of these rumors, it does seem plausible given the global economic scenario and as we all know, Apple does love its secrets.
If the iPhone maker does decide to launch the vanilla variant of the 14 Series at the same price that the 13 launched for then it will be the second time in a row that we will be seeing this. The 13 Series started at a price of $799, the 14 Series arrives with four models out of which, two will be Pro versions and the rest will be non-pro versions.
The Pro models will feature the latest A16 Bionic while the other models will continue to retain the A15 Bionic chip. The iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max will combine a circular hole-punch cutout along with a pill-shaped cutout for the camera setup along with Face ID support. The authenticity of the pricing details is yet to be verified, guess we will have to wait and watch till the official release of the lineup.
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