In a groundbreaking development, tech giant Apple has officially established its first research and development (R&D) subsidiary in India, named Apple Operations India. This strategic move marks a significant milestone for the company, as it represents Apple’s first direct presence in the country, expanding its footprint beyond sales and assembly.
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What Apple Operations India Will Do?
Apple Operations India is set to focus on a variety of critical functions, including research, design, testing, and support for third-party manufacturers. According to a recent regulatory filing, the new entity will engage in:
- Procurement of Engineering Equipment: Ensuring that the latest technology and tools are available for development.
- Leasing of Facilities: Establishing a physical presence to support its operations.
- Hiring Engineers for Hardware Development: Building a skilled workforce to drive innovation.
- Providing Failure Analysis Services: Enhancing product reliability and performance for group companies.
This initiative signals Apple’s commitment to deepening its investment in India, a move that could reshape the landscape of technology development in the region.
Apple’s Commitment to India
In a recent filing with the Registrar of Companies (RoC), Apple Inc. issued a “letter of comfort” to assure operational and financial support for Apple Operations India for the foreseeable future. This commitment is particularly noteworthy as it indicates Apple’s intention to conduct hardware design and testing in India for the first time, a function that has traditionally been centered in the US, China, Germany, and Israel.
The establishment of this subsidiary comes with significant financial backing, with reports indicating that Apple Operations India has already allocated INR 38.2 crore for capital work-in-progress and INR 36.8 crore in fixed assets.
A Strategic Shift Amid Global Challenges
This development aligns with Apple’s broader strategy to diversify its production capabilities outside of China, especially in light of ongoing geopolitical tensions between Beijing and Washington, D.C. By expanding its operations in India, Apple is not only tapping into a burgeoning market but also taking advantage of the production-linked incentives (PLIs) and other benefits offered by the Indian government.
Apple has already partnered with major manufacturers like Foxconn, Pegatron, and Tata-owned Wistron to produce iPhones in India. Recently, the company announced plans to begin initial manufacturing of the iPhone 17 base model in India, with production expected to kick off in the latter half of 2025.