As per some reports, Apple will make an announcement very soon regarding the launch of its AirTags. There is also a rumor in the market that the AirTags from Apple will come in two sizes: one big and one small. This information has been leaked by some of the trusted sources. But the accurate size has not confirmed by the company.
If we check the images of the internal technology of the iOS 13, AirTags were smaller having the circular white tags with an Apple logo on the front. This time, there can be a bigger one. It is expected that they will more likely to be attached to items via adhesive or an attachment point like a ring. Moreover, there may be more than one way to use them with different items.
As of now, Apple is working hard trying to mass-produce as many as cans. But we expected that Apple would make the announcement in those October or November events. But unfortunately, Apple didn’t do such things and as per reports, Apple will push AirTags’ announcement to March 2021 due to manufacturing issues. The only good thing is, Apple has confirmed the announcement of the AirTags.
There is another rumor in the market that Apple will make the debut of the AirTags alongside Apple’s $600 AirPods Studio in the month of November. But everything is rumor right now. We do not have any confirmed information regarding this issue. Hope the company will reveal something official in the upcoming days.