During the 2023 Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple confirmed the rumors and introduced the Apple Vision Pro, their entry into the mixed-reality headset market. Alongside features like VR FaceTime and watching movies in high-definition on a virtual screen, the Vision Pro will also serve as a gaming platform with a selection of Apple Arcade titles.
Apple Vision Pro will help you enjoy Apple Arcade Games in VR
At launch, the Apple Vision Pro will offer over 100 games from Apple Arcade. While the presentation didn’t specifically highlight existing VR games or mention updates for a VR experience, users will be able to play games like NBA 2K23 on the Vision Pro using controllers connected to their Apple devices. This is supported by the introduction of “Game mode” in macOS Sonoma and Apple’s efforts to assist developers in porting their titles to Apple’s platforms.
In addition to gaming, the Vision Pro will provide access to Disney Plus streaming when it launches in the US next year at a price of $3,499. Disney shows and movies on the platform may include augmented information, similar to Amazon Prime’s X-Ray feature.
Although gaming was not the central focus of the main showcase or the Vision Pro presentation, the announcement of Hideo Kojima bringing Death Stranding Director’s Cut to Mac and the Vision Pro’s compatibility with Apple Arcade games suggests that enthusiasts will have the opportunity to experience Death Stranding in a unique and immersive way.
via TheVerge