According to a new report, Apple is said to start manufacturing the iPhone 16 Pro models in India from day one of the launch. These ‘Made in India’ iPhones will be on sale from day one of global sales. As part of the move, Apple will engage manufacturers currently producing iPhones in a bid to make this happen. This move follows the early signs of Apple setting up iPhone battery manufacturing in India and its request for local partners to set up assembly plants.
Apple Plans to Manufacture iPhone 16 Pro Models in India
MoneyControl reports Apple is considering taking iPhone assembly outside of China, where it already partners with Taiwanese firms including Foxconn, Pegatron, and Wistron. The iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max could be the first ‘Pro’ iPhones to have been made in India if all goes according to plan.
According to the report, Apple wants its iPhone 16 Pro models in India for sale as soon as they launch. Sources said its NPI (new product introduction) will be primarily led by Foxconn, which has a facility at Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu. This plan involves multiple steps and bridges the idea of a product to your final production. After the launch, mass production of iPhone 16 Pro models is expected to commence.
Apple has been ramping up its manufacturing presence in India, initially focusing on the first-generation iPhone SE back in 2017. In the intervening years, this expansion has spanned over from iPhone 13 and later on to standard models of both iPhones 14 although production began several months after its initial release.
Apart from them, the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus were also manufactured in India right out of the gate. That would seemingly make Apple’s ‘Pro’ iPhone models out of China for the first time under current plans.
When will the iPhone 16 Pro be manufactured in India?
Apple plans to start manufacturing the iPhone 16 Pro models in India at launch.
Who will handle the iPhone 16 Pro production in India?
Foxconn will manage the production of the iPhone 16 Pro in India.