Previous week Apple removed Fortnite from its iOS App Store. Apple took this step after Epic Games released an update that enabled Fortnite players to bypass Apple’s in-app purchasing system to buy V-Bucks. It additionally notified Epic that as a result of its actions, the accounts and access to iOS and Mac development tools would be terminated on August 28.
Epic Games sued Apple for this and immediately sought a temporary restraining order to prevent Apple from taking these measures. say. After that Apple filed its opposition to that TRO request, stating that the problem is entirely Epic’s own doing— Fortnite can come back anytime if Epic would simply roll back the violating update.
In the Agreements made between Epic and Apple, it’s clearly spelled out that if an app developer violates the rules of Apple’s App Store or development tools then Apple will cease to work with that developer. It is applied equally to both large and small developers.
Thus Apple removed Fortnite from iOS App Store when Epic willingly violated its agreements by covertly placing a ‘hotfix’ into its app to bypass Apple’s payment system and App Review Process.
Additionally, Apple recorded that the temporary restraining orders “exist to remedy irreparable harm, not easily reparable self-inflicted wounds,” supplementing that Epic could have avoided from suffering any damage if it would have filed its lawsuit without breaching its agreements. In fact, that’s still an option.
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