Apple was quite late to release its 5G phone variant but when it did, it took the world by storm. iPhone 12 was supposed to be a gamechanger but it hit a brief slump. According to Strategy Analytics’ recent data, 5G iPhone shipments have fallen by 23 percent in Q1, 2021.
Apple’s Loss in Market Share Was Competitors’ Gain
This latest data shows Apple’s 52.2 percent market share for 5G iPhone shipments shrink to 40.4 percent in Q1, 2021. But even with a 23 percent drop, Apple manages a healthy market share against its closest competitor, OPPO. OPPO currently has a 21.5 percent share which is up from 13.9 percent in the previous quarter. Another major player, Samsung managed to go up in 5G smartphone shipments from 9.5 percent to 17 percent in Q1, 2021. Samsung impressed the most with a humongous 79 percent growth.
The data also suggests a 6 percent growth in global 5G smartphone shipments in the current quarter. This drop might be considering the anticipation of newer models reportedly arriving in late September. With a few months to go for an expected launch, customers will be looking to save funds to invest in better and upgraded models.
The drop could also be due to the fact that Apple’s competitors are constantly launching new and affordable 5G-ready smartphones. These are budget-friendly alternatives for most customers. These devices though lack several features existing in premium handsets, tend to please customers by being easy on the wallet.