Apple is planning to ship its upcoming flagship lineup of the iPhone 14 Series simultaneously from its production partners in India and China as per reputed analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. His latest survey has found out that Foxconn’s iPhone manufacturing site in India will be shipping the new 6.1″ iPhone 14 along with China in H2 of 2022.
Apple is trying to reduce its dependency on China for production of its iPhones
Ming Chi Kuo states that, “In the short term, India’s iPhone capacities/shipments still have a considerable gap with China, but it is an important milestone for Apple in building a non-Chinese iPhone production site.”
He goes on to add that the Cupertino giant is looking to increase its production in India as it views the market as one with a lot of potential. “It implies that Apple is trying to reduce the geopolitical impacts on supply and sees the Indian market as the next key growth driver,” Kuo concludes.
Prior to the analysts report, earlier news had suggested that the tech giant had sold nearly 1.2 million of its devices in the Indian market in just Q2 of 2022 which was a 94% growth in comparison to last year.
A million of the total iPhones shipped were made in India. Coming to the iPad, it recorded a remarkable 34% growth in India as it sold 0.2 million devices.
The upcoming 14 Series features 4 smartphones and the Mini version is likely to have been discontinued this time. What are your thoughts on the upcoming 14 Series and the company’s decision to only offer a chip upgrade to the Pro variants?
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