The CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, criticized Apple‘s app approval and update procedure earlier this week in a post on his Telegram channel. The most recent upgrade to the app, according to Durov, was delayed by Apple without any justification.
Apple Delayed Telegram’s Update
Pavel Durov gave the example of how their future update, which will revolutionize how people express themselves via messaging, has been sitting in Apple’s “review” queue for two weeks with no explanation or input from the company.
As per the sources, it states that Durov recently explained why Apple delayed the upgrade for two weeks. Apple responded to them with a request to remove Telemoji, better resolution vector-animated variants of the normal emoji, from our upcoming Telegram upgrade.
He also found Apple’s decision perplexing because Telemoji would have greatly improved their ecosystem and added a whole new dimension to their static, low-resolution emoji.
Damage to the Tech Industry
Currently, Apple has authorized the most recent Telegram upgrade. However, the animated emoji set is not present in the most recent version. Due to Durov’s failure to explain, it is unclear why Telegram discontinued the emoji pack. Apple hasn’t yet added any comments to the conversation.
Furthermore, according to Durov, Telegram will be driven to make Telemoji more distinctive and recognizable. The in-question emojis are exclusive to premium Telegram subscribers. With the most recent upgrade, Telegram has released a ton of new features for its users.
In a previous post, Durov criticized Apple. He claimed that one can only imagine the challenges faced by smaller app creators if Telegram, one of the top 10 most downloaded apps worldwide, is subjected to a similar approach.
Not only is it discouraging, but it also directly costs hundreds of thousands of mobile apps throughout the world money. He added that Apple’s economic harm to the technology sector cannot be restored.
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