Apple had been speculated to employ the M2 in its first AR headset, therefore the latest benchmark leak, suggesting that the SoC that would be running in the next product is dubbed X1, surprised us. Instead of an 8-core CPU, the listing shows a 12-core component with higher performance than the M2 Max.
The AR headset receives a score of 141585 on Geekbench 6, and assuming that the listing itself did not highlight the warning in’red’ stating that ‘This result has been flagged as inaccurate,’ anyone looking at these numbers would have assumed that Apple will preview a breakthrough product in a few days. For contrast, the figures you’re viewing today are better than what the M2 Max got in the same benchmark, which was 131302.
However, the 12-core Apple X1 would not be a good choice for the AR headset because it will have a large power demand and maybe unmanageable temperatures due to its high power consumption.
The external battery pack that will power Apple’s head-mounted wearable, rumoured to be dubbed Reality Pro, can only be charged for two hours at a time.
To maximise the headset’s runtime, a chipset like the M2 with an 8-core CPU would be a better choice. Furthermore, a prior leak regarding Apple’s Bill of Materials for the AR headset revealed that one of the chips running in the device would be the M2, thus this leak is definitely phoney unless the technology giant was quietly building on a ‘X1’ without any prying eyes following its every step. So obviously this benchmark is a FAKE!
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